Chris Okenwa

Non Executive Director
He started his banking career with Continental Merchant Bank Plc and moved from there to Capital Bancorp Limited, a foremost investment banking firm. While in Capital Bancorp, he was involved in the privatization of African Petroleum Plc.

Prior to his joining FSL Securities Limited, he worked at Magnum Trust Bank Plc, where he was the Head of the Bank’s Investment Banking department. Mr. Okenwa is a dealing clerk of the Nigerian Stock Exchange and an Associate member of the Chartered Institute of Bankers. At various times, he has functioned as Director of Administration for the Association of Issuing Houses of Nigeria as well as Director of Finance.

He is actively involved in capacity building and development by training financial industry professionals as a facilitator with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), the Financial Institutions Training Centre (FITC) as well as international training platforms. He is a media commentator on topical issues ranging from the capital market to banking and general economic matters and is known for critically assessing major financial issues and proffering practical solutions to same.

He also holds a Masters degree in Business Administration from the Edo State University, Ekpoma. He has over 20 years’ experience in investment banking and is currently the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of FSL Securities Limited.